Photon Belt and PleiadesThe Photon Belt – One day a very good friend of mine asked me about the photon belt and to explain to him what it stands for, actually to tell him why he should care… Well it’s not easy to explain this in 2 seconds so i decided to write about too. Why is this photon belt important to learn about? Obviously you can perceive that the sun is of great importance to earth because if shut off, everything would be darker…lol.

Photon Belt Pleiades The TRUTH is that scientists already knew 175 years ago that our bodies are greatly affected….in fact one could say “designed” at the cellular level to respond to Cosmic Energy!…all that Light energy that exists beyond the sun (even in other dimensions).

The photon belt is a grand band of Light the entire solar system is traveling through. The Galactic Federation of Light recommend that humans purify themselves. If your body, mind, emotions are polluted, you will find the photon belt to be a “bumpy uncomfortable ride”. If your body, mind and emotions are clear….you will connect your WILL with your SPIRIT…the ride will be joyous and comfortable.  No matter what you choose…this planet is heading through the centre and our planet is undergoing a great sorting, those who are stuck in the dark, and those who climb out in collaboration with God and all of his Lighted  forces…into the Light. To awaken is to work with Light energy….to not awaken is to deny Light energy. To awaken is to see the body is a Light vessel…a Light transmitter and receiver….a receiver for signals that are beamed from the sun…

The Photon Belt is a Toric field of energy that emanates out from Alcyone in the Pleiades. Every 11,000 years our Solar System moves into this Toric field of energy, spending 2,000 years within ‘the Light’ to then spend another 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ and so forth.
But before we look at the Photon Belt, lets cover some background information first.


Our Earth rotates around our Sun, taking approximately 365 days for one complete revolution.
Then our Sun (actually our entire Solar System) rotates around Alycone, the brightest star of the Pleiades constellation. One complete revolution of our Solar System around Alcyone takes approximately 26,000 years.
In addition, Alcyone (and our Solar System) are revolving around the Galactic Core (central region) or our Milky Way Galaxy. One complete revolution takes approximately 225 million years.
Now that we have had a quick glimpse of our cycles, lets now look at some of the energetic fields within our galaxy.


The Milky Way is made up of spiral arms (Fibonacci spiral arms), extending out from its central Galactic Core.
Our Solar System rests approximately two thirds out from the Core along Orions Belt.
The entire Milky Way Galaxy is held within an energetic field, which is a Torus (or Toric field).
A toric structure is easy to picture if you think of a slinky and join the two ends together to form a donut. Energy moves up from the centre of the donut, along the energetic meridian lines of the Torus, over the top of the donut and moving back into the donut hole underneath, then moving out from the centre again… repeating the cycle over and over.
Thus energy waves are continually being released from the Galactic Core of the Milky Way (called Waves of Love), and are moving out through the Galaxy (via the energy meridians of the Toric field), and returning once again to the Galactic Core.


A similar toric field is also found emanating out from Alcyone in the Pleiades. The Toric field sits at right angles to our Solar System, and creates a huge donut field that extends out past our Earths Sun.
Energy moves around the Alcyone Toric field in the exact same manner as the Milky Way Toric field – via energetic leylines.
This Pleiades toric field is composed of Photons – the smallest possible particles of light in quantum physics. Hence the Pleiades Toric Field is commonly referred to as the ‘Photon Band’ of Light.
What are Photons? Photons are emitted during the transmission of one energy state to another. Photons have zero mass, and no electrical charge. Photon energy is the energy of the future. Photons are what the ancients harnessed as energy for communication, stellar travel, energy production etc…. but more about that another time !


The Toric field of the Milky Way and the Pleiades are implicitly connected. As energy waves move out of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, extending out across its toric fields energy meridians, these toric leylines also extend out to the toric field of the Pleiades photon belt.
Thus electro-magnetic energy is moving from the Galactic Core and ‘electrifying’ the Pleiades photon belt… bathing its field in ‘The Waves of Love’.


As the Pleiades toric field is positioned at right angles to our Earth, there are times during our 26,000 year revolution around Alcyone, that our Solar System sits either partly or fully within the Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Light) and greater periods of time where our Solar System is not within this Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Darkness).

Thus due to the width of the Photon Belts toric field, we spend 2,000 years in the ‘Light’, then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ then 2,000 years in ‘Light’ and then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ – making up our full 26,000 year cycle. And so the process repeats itself over and over.
The last time our Solar System was fully in the Photon Belt was in the Age of Leo, and with such a ‘surge’ in Galactic Core energy available to us at this time it also heralded the downfall of Atlantis…. again that is for another time !
Our Solar System is now moving into Pleiades Photon Belt once again, into another 2,000 years of ‘Light’, and by 2012 our Solar System will be entirely within this Photon Belt Toric field.


On the solstice of 21 December 2012 (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), our entire solar system will be in the Photon Band of Light, receiving direct energetic transmissions from Alcyone and from our Galactic Core of the Milky Way – The Waves of Love.

In addition, we are also coming to the end of the Grand Cycle of time, the end of another 225 million year cycle, 26,000 year cycle and 365 day cycle. Thus on this December solstice there is a grand alignment in our stellar skies of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, with Alcyone, with our Sun and with Earth – marking the end of some significant cycles of time (or frequency’s of consciousness).
The Greater Central Sun (Galactic Core) is directly pulsing electo-magnetic Wave of Love vibrations though our Central Sun (Alycone), through our Sun and into Earth…..bringing through very high pulsations or frequencies of light energy to Earth.
What this electo-magnetic energy is facilitating is a shift in consciousness, a divine shift of the level of awareness of humanity from an egoic 3D state of fear, to a consciousness level of Wisdom… an 5D state of being.



  1. […] cu Centura Fotonică – Photon Belt pare să ducă la transformarea omului profeţită de Biblie, la o teribilă experienţă […]


  2. God still doesn’t approve of Itself, so I don’t approve of any risk, whatsoever that I can fail to become & believe in & as much as possible about, whatever righteously pleases me etc., whatever It exists or not, my own instinct is ‘just’ a symbol & a repetition to myself that my good news depends on, who wants & deserves what, why & when from me, so that I can of course, as of now, become & believe in & so on, my topics are so far & for whatever why, as follows: The Buddhism, ‘IT,’ a good moral, any stuff like that, greetings,, to be continued, whatever that means to you.


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